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- SQFriends 4 - Garagem 55 - Móoca - São Paulo/SP - domingo 07/julho/2024 *****

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[Mazda CX7] Team Hybrid Audio

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Looks nice J!


How does it sound?


Thanks, D.

It sounds really good.

I only had time to run the auto tune one time and not much time to play with the eq, but I really like what the center did to the stage.

I will play with rear fill soon to really hear what the Logic7 can do.



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I should be getting a MS-8 from Scott to test next month.


Can't wait to play with it.

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Achei perfeito, tanto o rack quanto o sub na mala, só não achei ligal aquele falante em cima do visor do painel central =D



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Está sem o acabamento original. Depois de colocar tudo, não vai estar visível.

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eu tava vendo ontem esse topico no diyma... o mais engraçado foi uma cara comentando q qdo ele monta um som e tem algum 'problema' ele pensa " WWDD" = "what would doitor do? "


aueioaheiuahieuahe.. isso depois da retirada do parabrisa.. hahaha.. dahora!

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Yes. Like Diogo said, when I finish the car (around 2011 I guess :( ) the only thing you will be able to see of the system is the HU.

The rest will be hidden and look totally OEM.

"WWDD" = "what would doitor do?"

Now that's funny.



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Started on the rear fill.

Built some rings, aimed them to the rear view mirror and glued them in place.




Cloth, resin and fiberglass.




Test fit.






Body filler and sanding.






Need to add more filler, sand, filler, sand, etc.



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