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- SQFriends 4 - Garagem 55 - Móoca - São Paulo/SP - domingo 07/julho/2024 *****

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[Honda CRV] Ground Zero, Shok Industries

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Hi everyone!


Hope everyone’s doing good. Haven posted up a build in quite a while.


Think its time to start posting.


For 2011, we’ve been doing very well with Ground Zero products. I must admit though I first knew about Ground Zero through the SPL guys, their SQ products are pretty amazing.


Car is done at my local distributor Dimension Audio 


Anyway, enough talking, lets start the build.


Gear that is going into this car


HU: Alpine #F1 head unit and processor

Amps: GZ Reference Amps ( 2 x 4 channel, 1 x 2 channel)

Sub: GZ Uranium 12” woofer.

Speakers: GZ Reference 3 way

Power Wiring: Shok Industries Reference Series


Gutting out the car first




Anyway, starting up with wiring.


We like our SQ cars wired up like ground pounders  So 2 runs of 0 gauge ( 1 +ve and 1 –ve) and the big 3 done up front.






Pulling the wire all the way to the back











test fitting the F1 processor at the back. Just to see where we can put it




the GZ 12” sub chilling at the side


And now how shall we fit the amps. Stayed tuned for more.


Cheers all

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hahahahha c'mon man! dont say that about shoes!


So, in factl, is GZ for quality? In front of Focal, Hertz, Morel, in which position would you put them? What are the main positive aspects about midbasses and tweeters?

Editado por ScuLt

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hahahahha c'mon man! dont say that about shoes!


So, in factl, is GZ for quality? In front of Focal, Hertz, Morel, in which position would you put them? What are the main positive aspects about midbasses and tweeters?


hi there,


comparing the GZ. I'm really amazed.


GZ vs Focal.


Top end vs top end, focal is famous for its Focal Be. Its a good speaker. But the GZ Refernece speakers will walk all over the focals. It is seriously that good.


Morel: we were doing a lot of Morel's b4 gz came along. I still like the morel supremo mid bass. packs a nice punch and goes low.


Morel has yet to develop a highend mid range ( the CDM88 just doesnt cut it) and we were using the hybrid ovation 4"as a mid range to compete for awhile. the supremo tweeters are nice tweeters. very sweet and warm, but they lack the sparkle.


Hertz, honestly, i'm not a big fan of Hertz as most other dealers here just tell everyone that " Hertz is italian, best speaker around" and people get big boners for anything italian.


But i've heard interesting things about the Hertz mille stuff.


The only speaker i'll say that will stand up against the GZ Reference spkr is the micro-precision z series speakers.


my honest opinion :)



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hi there,


comparing the GZ. I'm really amazed.


GZ vs Focal.


Top end vs top end, focal is famous for its Focal Be. Its a good speaker. But the GZ Refernece speakers will walk all over the focals. It is seriously that good.


Morel: we were doing a lot of Morel's b4 gz came along. I still like the morel supremo mid bass. packs a nice punch and goes low.


Morel has yet to develop a highend mid range ( the CDM88 just doesnt cut it) and we were using the hybrid ovation 4"as a mid range to compete for awhile. the supremo tweeters are nice tweeters. very sweet and warm, but they lack the sparkle.


Hertz, honestly, i'm not a big fan of Hertz as most other dealers here just tell everyone that " Hertz is italian, best speaker around" and people get big boners for anything italian.


But i've heard interesting things about the Hertz mille stuff.


The only speaker i'll say that will stand up against the GZ Reference spkr is the micro-precision z series speakers.


my honest opinion :)



Friend, you just pick a fight with some of the users here autoforum kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, it's good to hear people not committed to anyone giving their opinions, especially if the work area as you, because the forum has many who has some strange half OPINIONS.

congratulations friend. large project.

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Putz que carrinho massa! mas um topico em ingles é fogo mesmo!!! kkkk ainda bem que existe o google tradutor para quebrar o nosso galho..


valeu galera! nosso forum está ficando reconhecido internacionalmente !




Putz mass to cart! but one topic in English is even fire! kkkk thankfully there is the google translator to break our branch ..


Thanks guys! Our forum is becoming recognized internationally!

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hi there,


comparing the GZ. I'm really amazed.


GZ vs Focal.


Top end vs top end, focal is famous for its Focal Be. Its a good speaker. But the GZ Refernece speakers will walk all over the focals. It is seriously that good.


Morel: we were doing a lot of Morel's b4 gz came along. I still like the morel supremo mid bass. packs a nice punch and goes low.


Morel has yet to develop a highend mid range ( the CDM88 just doesnt cut it) and we were using the hybrid ovation 4"as a mid range to compete for awhile. the supremo tweeters are nice tweeters. very sweet and warm, but they lack the sparkle.


Hertz, honestly, i'm not a big fan of Hertz as most other dealers here just tell everyone that " Hertz is italian, best speaker around" and people get big boners for anything italian.


But i've heard interesting things about the Hertz mille stuff.


The only speaker i'll say that will stand up against the GZ Reference spkr is the micro-precision z series speakers.


my honest opinion :)





Very cool! I'm always following your projects!


But, exemplifying prices, how much is this 3-way component system of the line "hi-end" of the GZ? Is at the focal Utopia, Focal Polyglass? morel elate? more or less expensive?

Here in Brazil Hertz is considered highly cost-benefit.

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Putz que carrinho massa! mas um topico em ingles é fogo mesmo!!! kkkk ainda bem que existe o google tradutor para quebrar o nosso galho..


valeu galera! nosso forum está ficando reconhecido internacionalmente !




Putz mass to cart! but one topic in English is even fire! kkkk thankfully there is the google translator to break our branch ..


Thanks guys! Our forum is becoming recognized internationally!

Isso é serio?




Ja virou assinatura

Editado por hiperim
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Very cool! I'm always following your projects!


But, exemplifying prices, how much is this 3-way component system of the line "hi-end" of the GZ? Is at the focal Utopia, Focal Polyglass? morel elate? more or less expensive?

Here in Brazil Hertz is considered highly cost-benefit.

hi there


The hi end GZ is comparable to the Micro Precision Z series speakers. This is the only speaker which think comes close and comparable to it :)


GZ has lower lines of component spkrs, those are pretty impressive and definitely value for money too :)




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hi there


The hi end GZ is comparable to the Micro Precision Z series speakers. This is the only speaker which think comes close and comparable to it :)


GZ has lower lines of component spkrs, those are pretty impressive and definitely value for money too :)




I think he asked how much dollars those speakers are worth.

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I think he asked how much dollars those speakers are worth.



oo sorry


retail of the full 3 way is around $6k USD :)



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Hi guys,


Now to continue with the install


So we got the sub, processor and some cables chilling down here.




the owner of this car had a 2 din W502 dvd player up front b4 he decided to get hardcore with this car. So a custom mount had to be done below the gear knob.


Some test fitting








test fitting the sub box and some mounts






I wonder what could be in the black bag




woofer baffle




the star emerges.. heheh




stay tuned for more.



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Wow, that amp is must be hungry for power [""]

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That GZU subwoofer is for SQ? Always figured it out as being an SPL sub....


I mean: it has fs of 42hz, 40mm xmax, 87db SPL, and a not very low QTS...

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That's a huuuge amp, and damn those 2 0Gauge runs gotta be as heavy as my whole system :rever1:

6k retail for a 3way? those gotta sound good :pirou:

Nice setup.

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Isso é serio?


Ja virou assinatura


AOHaHHOEOAHOhosohAHOSHOA Marcelo me fez mijar nas calca de tanto rir AOHahOaoHAHOohAHOAhoaHOSHOSHOSA


Esses ground zero vendem bem lá fora, mas vende-se mais os equipamentos de entrada mesmo. Já ouvi alguns subs baratos nas caixas de fabrica. O gringo ai chegou chutando alguns equipamentos queridinhos da turma hein rs



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Putz que carrinho massa! mas um topico em ingles é fogo mesmo!!! kkkk ainda bem que existe o google tradutor para quebrar o nosso galho..


valeu galera! nosso forum está ficando reconhecido internacionalmente !




Putz mass to cart! but one topic in English is even fire! kkkk thankfully there is the google translator to break our branch ..


Thanks guys! Our forum is becoming recognized internationally!


Google translator fail!


Não deu certo não, Marcelo. Ficou ininteligível. A tradução de "quebrar o galho" ao pé da letra foi hilariante.



Crawling Chaos

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