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- SQFriends 4 - Garagem 55 - Móoca - São Paulo/SP - domingo 07/julho/2024 *****


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About headshok

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    Russel Wong

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  1. Hi Fabio! Thanks for the warm welcome! I saw some pictures of how you guys play in the SPL scene and i must say it is very similiar to the Thai SPL scene! You guys get your cars LOUD both INSIDE and OUTSIDE!!! thats so cool! Another thing that Brazil is famous for is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! I've been learning it for a few months and its one of the best sport i've ever taken up! hahaha.. looking forward to learn some good stuff from you guys Cheers!
  2. hahaha .. que era um grosso pedaço de acrílico .. hahaha .. as meninas foram realmente balançando a bunda em cima dos caminhões!
  3. This was actually the product mascot.. someone will wear this and walk around Este foi realmente o mascote do produto .. alguém vai usar isso e andar por aí This is me with Atomic's Distributor in Bangkok. The person in the spectacles is the owner of a very famous korean amplifier manufacturer Trata-se de mim com Distribuidor Atomic em Banguecoque. A pessoa nos óculos é o proprietário de um fabricante muito famoso coreano amplificador thats all. hope you guys enjoyed the pics Cheers!
  4. the following pics were taken during the 09 MotorShow in Bangkok as fotos foram tiradas durante a MotorShow 09 em Banguecoque
  5. hi guys, Just want to share with you guys some pictures from Thailand. These were taken during their annual MotorShow. The Atomic distributor is a friend of mine and he really puts up an awesome show! the first few pictures were taken in December06 and the rest were taken in March 09. Enjoy guys! oi chapas, Só quero compartilhar com vocês algumas fotos da Tailândia. Estas foram tiradas durante a sua MotorShow anual. O distribuidor atômico é um amigo meu e ele realmente coloca-se um show incrível! as primeiras fotos algumas foram tiradas em December06 e os restantes foram tomadas 09 de março. Enjoy guys! thats me
  6. hi pad, Thanks for the welcome! Its always an eye opener to see how people all over the world play their audio and see how i can integrate your styles into our installs! I'm actually looking at some of the installs. u guys ahve some cool stuff too!! but in terms of SPL, i think u guys are on top! I have some pics from my trip to Bangkok motorshow. I'll post it up for you guys later Cheers! pad oi, Thanks for the welcome! Seu sempre um abridor de olho para ver como as pessoas em todo o mundo desempenhar o seu áudio e ver como eu posso integrar seus estilos em nossas instalações! Eu estou olhando realmente algumas das instalações. u guys têm algumas coisas interessantes também! mas em termos de SPL, i think u guys are on top! Tenho algumas fotos de minha viagem para o Salão de Banguecoque. I'll post it up for you guys later:) Felicidades!
  7. I just saw that Alan Dante has his own section down here! This is so cool!! Would be great to actually talk to the legend himself!! Eu só vi que Alan Dante tem sua própria seção aqui em baixo! This is so cool! Seria muito bom para realmente falar com a própria lenda!
  8. i've got some pictures of the SQ rides from down here in Singapore, just would like to share it with you guys The owner for the first ride introduced me to this forum, just thought i'll share some install pics here enjoy guys All installs are done by my distributor Dimension Audio ( Singapore) Eu tenho algumas fotos dos passeios de SQ aqui em Cingapura, apenas gostaria de compartilhar com vocês:) O proprietário para o primeiro passeio me apresentou a esse fórum, apenas pensei que eu vou compartilhar algumas fotos de instalar aqui:) enjoy guys Todas as instalações são feitas por meu distribuidor Dimension Audio (Singapore) A simple 3 way active setup. owner didnt wanna lose his trunk space. amps installed under the seats. Headunit : Clarion HX D2( also known as the 9255 in the US) Tweets: Scanspeak revelators mid range and mid bass : Seas RM120+RW165 amp: Arc Audio 4100 + ARC SE 2150 +Zapco i200 sub:sea lotus 12" Misc wiring: Shok Industries 4707 CCA front back/ back to front + alt power and grounding. A pillars were done else where ( i didnt really like them), customer had rewiring of the amps and he decided to go active. One thing though, the scanspeak revelators are simply AMAZING!!!! one of the best i've heard man ( hard fight with my Esotars!) [imghttp://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p307/wrussel/4-7.jpg[/img] here's another of our SQ car. simple 2 way active setup HU: Alpine W502 Processor: H701 Front stage amp: Genesis 475 Sub amp : Genesis Dual Mono Sub: Genesis A60 12" Speakers: EB Acoustic SQ 6 2 way. Power cable : Shok Industries 4707 CCA cable + Shok In line fuse + Shok Distributor block. [iM]http://i948.photobucket.com/albums/ad324/teamshok/IMG_5699.jpg[/img] found a picture of one of the older installs. This car was driven by a family man who DID NOT WANT to use his boot space. So everything was tucked under the seats. but what was amazing was that we stuffed a Morel supremo 5" in the A pillars and a supremo 9" in the doors! he also had an earthquake SWS 10" in the centre console, you can see it at the bottom of one of the pictures.. Head unit is an alpine #F1 the sub enclosure is in the middle bottom of the pic the door holes were HUGE!
  9. Hi everyone! Greetings from the sunny island of Singapore! I stumbled upon this forum and would like to see how you guys in Brazil play your audio From what i've heard, you guys have a pretty hardcore SPL scene whereby you guys literally blast your systems in the open and party all nite long! The only other placed i've ever experienced this is in Bangkok, during their annual motor exhibition! Anyway, down here in Singapore, SPL is pretty much dead whereby people think that if you are into " loud systems", you do not know anything about car audio This I find very sad as the " SPL" scene is indeed more fun and the SPL competition scene is seriously more interesting as compared to SQ competitions. Down here, we are all about SQ and we do have some pretty hardcore SQ systems down here. Currently Singapore's top installer is with Team DLS and has always built very good DLS systems. The other crazy brand down here at the moment is Micro Precision. These are currenty the best car audio speakers down here! haha. anyway, i'll be using google translate to try and communicate with you guys. Cheers all Russ Olá a todos! Greetings from a ensolarada ilha de Singapura! Eu tropecei em cima deste fórum e gostaria de ver como vocês no Brasil, jogar o áudio:) Pelo que eu ouvi, vocês têm uma bonita cena hardcore SPL em que vocês, literalmente, explodir seus sistemas em campo aberto e festa all nite long! Os outros só colocou eu já experimentou isto é, em Banguecoque, durante a sua exposição anual motor! De qualquer forma, aqui em Cingapura, SPL é muito bonito mortos segundo o qual as pessoas pensam que, se você está em "sistemas de alta", você não sabe nada sobre o carro de áudio: (Esse eu acho muito triste como o "SPL cena" é na verdade mais divertido ea cena da competição SPL é sério mais interessante em relação às competições SQ. Aqui, estamos todos sobre SQ e nós temos alguns sistemas pretty hardcore SQ aqui. Instalador top Atualmente Cingapura é com o Team DLS e sempre construídos sistemas muito bom DLS. A marca outro louco aqui no momento é Micro Precision. Estes são currenty o melhor carro falantes de áudio aqui em baixo! haha. de qualquer maneira, eu vou estar usando Traduz Google para tentar comunicar com vocês. Cheers all:) Russ


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