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[DIY] Caixa meia lua com alumínio e fibra de carbono

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How to Make a Carbon Fiber Sub Enclosure

One Option for a Lightweight Woofer Box

by CAE Staff Community Writer , Oct 15, 2010



When I decided to update the install on my car I wanted to make a carbon fiber sub box to match the all the carbon fiber on the car. I also wanted this box to be as light as possible. I took a piece of 12-inch PVC left over from another project and decided to use that for the box shape. This enclosure is made from 6061 aluminum, carbon fiber, and a little epoxy to hold it all together. —Thom Voisinet


1 & 2. Since I knew the radius of the PVC, the outer size was easy to figure out. I then drew up a few braces using a square, adjustable angle finder, and some Mobile Solutions templates. Once the final MDF brace template is done it can be transferred to aluminum on the router table. I'm lucky enough to work with someone who could transfer my design and CNC it, so they were all perfectly symmetrical.



Making MDF templates


Transfer to aluminum



3. For the face of the enclosure I used 1/4-inch 6061 and cut it on the table saw. I cut an angle on each side, as close as possible to the angle the carbon meets it.


Cutting face of enclosure



4. Two holes were rough-cut with a jigsaw for a Polk Audio MM1040 woofer. I then used an MDF template to cut perfect holes on the router table.


Cut holes with jigsaw



5. A small landing arch (slightly smaller in diameter than the end cap) was glued to the end cap. This provides a spot for the carbon fiber to be glued to the aluminum.


Assembling endcap



6. Squares and clamps were used to ensure the end caps were straight.


Clamps for endcap



7. More clamps and pieces of MDF were used to attach the braces.


Attaching braces



8. A 1/2-inch square aluminum rod was glued to the back of the face for a spot to glue the carbon fiber. Duramix panel bonding epoxy was used for all aluminum/aluminum attachments.


Glue aluminum rod






9. Nineteen-ounce dry carbon fiber weave was taped to the PVC then wet-out with surfboard resin. A second and a third layer of 19-ounce carbon weave were added and wet-out as well.


Carbon fiber weave taped to PVC



10. Multiple coats of resin were added on top of the third layer of carbon fiber to ensure a flat surface after sanding.


Coat with resin



11. A dual-action sander and a long board were used to sand the resin as flat as possible.


Sand resin



12. The carbon fiber popped off the PVC very easily since I waxed the PVC before taping the first layer of weave to it.


Remove carbon fiber piece



13. I rough-cut the carbon fiber with a reciprocating saw, using MDF as a template.


Use reciprocating saw



14. After rough cutting, I fine-tuned the cuts with a dual-action sander using MDF as a template once again.


Dual action sander



15. With the carbon fiber cut to size, I used Duramix universal adhesive to bond the carbon fiber to the aluminum. Ratchet straps were used at all brace points until the epoxy cured.


Bond carbon fiber to aluminum



16. The end caps were marked for the mounting braces. I taped two holes in the aluminum for bolting pieces of the old strut tower bar, which then bolts to custom steel plates on the floor of the car.


Prepare endcaps for mounting braces



17. To finish the aluminum, I started by sanding out all the deep scratches, then progressively moved up to 3,000-grit before using a polish compound. Spraying water helps to keep the aluminum cool while sanding.


Sand aluminum



18. The aluminum was masked off to protect it from being scratched, and automotive clearcoat was sprayed over the carbon fiber.





19. Once cured, the edges of the clearcoat were sanded smooth. The clearcoat was then buffed and the edges of the aluminum were polished.


Sand edges of clearcoat



20. The MM1040 10-inch woofers fire toward the rear deck of the car. Both the woofers and the box weigh in at less than 50 pounds total.


Woofers in enclosure



21. The carbon fiber and polished aluminum match the carbon throughout the car and aluminum rear triangle brace in the trunk.


Trunk overview with carbon fiber enclosure



Back of car

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O projeto em si é admiravel, mas eu acho que só pela estética. Desse jeito uma caixa de mdf simples vai render mais.

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Ahhh essas ferramentas la em casa.... rsrs


Nem bonito, nem feio... achei diferente...


Mas qto ao rendimento, se comparado a uma caixa quadrada?

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eu achei feio pra caramba. pasmafaute


acho q o cara ai quiz inventar moda só pra dizer q o carro dele tem tudo de fibra de carbono o-o-


as vezes algo mais simples fica mais bonito, mas gosto é gosto

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Com ctz o som deve ter uma reverberação gigante nessa caixa de alumínio.. Dúvido que de um som macio igual um belo compensado..


Mas isso não tira o mérito não, baita trabalho..


E com as ferramentas certas ajuda um tiquinho né ;D

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eu achei feio pra caramba. pasmafaute


acho q o cara ai quiz inventar moda só pra dizer q o carro dele tem tudo de fibra de carbono o-o-


as vezes algo mais simples fica mais bonito, mas gosto é gosto



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achei feio, mas morri de inveja das ferramentas do cara.



Ao vivo talvez seja mais legal....

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Num curti o acabamento em carbono que ele utilizou, achei que ficou muito saturado!

Talvez se ele encher de ortofonico a caixa deixe o som mais macio!

Pq amortecimento igual madeira não existe, as de fibra são bem piores, imagina metal!!

No caso dele faria uma caixa em madeira ao fundo colocaria uma chapa de aluminio fechando a frente da caixa e faria uns aros em carbono para fazer os acabamentos do falantes e faria uma moldura em volta da caixa em carbono.

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cara que aparato essa oficina ou sei la o que tem hein !!! faz inveja a qualquer um !


sobre o projeto considerei ele ''LEGAL'' pois se trata de uma coisa diferente do que estamos acostumados !


se o rendimento for bom o quanto deu trabalho acho que valeu a pena ! :legal:

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Eu nao manjo quase nada de som mais... so nao endenti porque que é arrendondado tem alguma motivo pra isso ? ou foi pq ele acho bonitinho ?! ..

Editado por israel sjc

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Interessante... Mas, se tivesse um pouco mais de simplicidade ficaria melhor!

Ficou muito assustador, sei la...

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Acredito q a explicação para fazer isso seria o peso,

se fosse de MDF ficaria muito mais pesado.

Pq estéticamente, economicamente e em questão de praticidade na fabricação uma madeira seria muito melhor.

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Sei lah... estranho porem diferente.. mas nao boto fé na musicalidade nao..

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achei fantastico o acho que é muito trabalho = / pra tuning...farai sem duvida uma caixa em acrilico!

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exatamente, pelo porte do carro.... creio q foi sindrome de " lastro" o cara curte um grave... mas nao pode ter peso extra no carro.... mas pelos detalhes do porta malas... fiquei confuso


ou seja misturou parafernalhas + leves.... o cara curte um tuning porém o mais leve possivel.

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sem palavras.... :legal:


Mas tu já respondeu aqui!

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Formato muito estranho.


No porta malas tbm ficou feio.


Não gostei.

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