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- SQFriends 4 - Garagem 55 - Móoca - São Paulo/SP - domingo 07/julho/2024 *****


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Lcd No Interior é Coisa Do Passado.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: creates hot new trend for auto enthusiasts


Los Angeles, California, September 15, 2005


Screenlights, a car customizing business, has created an innovative headlight modification that looks poised to take the automotive aftermarket by storm. Many already know that the latest trend to hit the streets all around the U.S. these days is the addition of full video systems in our vehicles, from Hollywood SUVs to a neighbor's Honda Civic. Screenlights has taken this trend a giant step forward by incorporating video screens directly into the headlights of your car, truck, or SUV.


Screenlights accomplishes this feat by replacing one of the headlight's beam slots with a video screen and changing the remaining beam slot into a projector style lamp while retaining all the functionality of the original headlight. When the job is complete, the customer drives away with a single low/high beam headlight with a 3\", 4\", 5\", or 7\" video screen in the headlight.


\"Our customers are always asking us to push the edge of the envelope…\" says Brian Willison, the company's founder. Brian, who has worked in the automotive aftermarket industry for several years, is always trying to find new ways to answer his customers' challenges. \"We believe that our unique method for incorporating the latest projector lamp technology with video really sets us apart from the competition. Especially since the customer doesn't have to give up any headlight functions to accomplish it. The response so far has been tremendous\".


Screenlights is offering the modification in different forms, depending upon the type of headlight, and its original functions. Some headlights will accommodate larger screens than others will. Prices start at $899 and go up from there.


Brian says, \"Imagine yourself or your friends gathered around the front of your car playing the latest PS2 or X-box game, watching TV while at the car show, lounging at the beach, or whatever. Plus, you'll definitely be pimp driving down the street flashing video off the front of your car!\" One thing is absolute; you'll definitely stand out among the crowd.







9/16/2005 | 7\" LCD TFT SCREENLIGHTS

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Será que dá pra pegar estrada a noite ? Ou ele projeta um filme no asfalto como no drive-in ?

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num tem o que inventar..


pior que isso só aquelas calotas que giram em falso.. horrível!!



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Nao tenho LCD nem em casa keaeka nego tem no farol


que dinheiro jogado as traças

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Isso que eh naum ter onde enfiar dinheiro....

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Deixa um dia no sol e vc vai ver quantos dead pixels aparecem... :lol:


A única aplicação externa de LCD que eu achei legal foi do carro da Alpine de 2004 (X5), que tinha no spoiler lateral... mas ficava atrás da logo vazada da alpine, era outro efeito, e era apenas um carro-conceito.

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Será que dá pra pegar estrada a noite ? Ou ele projeta um filme no asfalto como no drive-in ?

uhauhahuahuahuahuauhhuauhauhauhauhauhuha :+1:+1:+1

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pra acender o farol eh soh botar o lcd pra aparecer a imagem de um farol aceso, eh isso ?

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Pra fazer um carro show fica loko!!

tb acho, e não é só pq sou seu amigo, pq na verdade nem curto vc e as coisas que vc fala, só fala besteira :lol:


po, colocar um projetor no lugar do farol seria com ctz mto mais loco... imagina estacionar o carro em algum lugar, colocar um filminho no DVD e fazer seu proprio drive-in? mto loco ficaria!

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