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- SQFriends 4 - Garagem 55 - Móoca - São Paulo/SP - domingo 07/julho/2024 *****

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[RF]Amplifier Performance | Harley-Davidson® Audio Powered by Rockford Fosgate®

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The amplifiers in your Harley-Davidson system undergo rigorous testing adhering to the industry standard known as CTA-2006. This industry standard test ensures the amplifier consistently delivers the power output as promised. Rockford Fosgate is renowned for surpassing power expectations and we uphold this tradition through multiple tests and quality assurance.

Harley-Davidson and Rockford Fosgate prioritize the use of industry-standard equipment for testing purposes. We rely on Audio Precisionr analyzers the market leader in performance testing specifically crafted for production test applications. This tool meticulously measures all aspects of amplifier performance including Total Harmonic Distortion Output Power and Frequency Response. These measurements guarantee that the amplifier faithfully reproduces music as intended. Thus delivering an unparalleled audio experience on your motorcycle.

In addition Rockford Fosgate uses a 31-step diagnostic test called the lRockford Automated Test Systemr or RATS. This proprietary technology allows us to plug an amplifier in put it through the paces and confirm it performs exactly as we say it will. Every single Harley-Davidson Audio powered by Rockford Fosgate amplifier must pass the 31 step RATS test before it can be assigned a serial number and leave the factory.

The below PVCs Performance Verification Certificates illustrate power output of amplifiers used in qHarley-Davidson Audio Powered by Rockford Fosgateq audio systems:

b 200W 50W x 4 4O Amplifier P/N 76001131 : to HD-76001131

b 500W 125W x 4 4O Amplifier P/N 76001132 : to HD-76001132

harleydavidson rockfordfosgate motorcycleaudio

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