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((Vendido pode fechar)) Audison Bit One R$ 2349,00

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Processador Digital de áudio multi função Audison Bit One.
Está muito conservado, em estado de novo!!! 
Acompanha todos os manuais e acessórios originais.
R$ 2349,00 com frete grátis, aceito a compra pelo mercado livre.
Bit One is a multi-function digital processor capable of interfacing with any analog and/or digital source, turning any ordinary system into one with very high-level performance.Despite its compact size, the Bit One is equipped with a powerful, latest generation 266 MHz / 32 bit floating point DSP microprocessor, working in real time on all the functions of the most complete systems.Managed and configured by a simple and intuitive computer software, it is possible to make adjustments to improve the signal through each phase of its path; from input to output.

Distortion - THD @ 1 kHz, 1 V RMS Output: 0.002%
Bandwidth: 4.5 ÷ 21 kHz
S/N Ratio @ A weighted: 102 dBA
Channel Separation @ 1 kHz: 77 dB
Input sensitivity (Low Level): 0.3 ÷ 5 V RMS
Input sensitivity (High Level): 1.2 ÷ 20 V RMS
Max Output Levels: 4 V RMS
Input impedance (Low Level): 20 kO
Input impedance (High Level): 5 kO
Filter Type: Full / High Pass / Low Pass / Band Pass
Filter mode and slope: Linkwitz @ 12 / 24 / 36 / 48 dB, Butterworth @ 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 / 42 / 48 dB

Editado por Juniorpth

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Em 03/09/2019 at 19:34, felipesom disse:

Aceita troca.por um kit 3 vias eclipse + sub eclipse de 10?

Obrigado pela oferta, mas no momento somente venda!

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